ProteoBench is an open platform for benchmarking proteomics data analysis workflows.
ProteoBench in 5 steps#
Choose a module to benchmark your proteomics data analysis workflow
Download the input data from the module page
Run your workflow on the input data
Upload the results to ProteoBench
Compare your workflow run with validated benchmark runs
Available ProteoBench modules#
Join the ProteoBench community#
Submit your results as a validated benchmark run to be shared with the community.
Discuss modules, benchmarking runs, and comparisons with the community.
Contribute to ProteoBench by developing new modules or improving existing ones.
ProteoBench is#
A project of#
The European Bioinformatics Community for Mass Spectrometry (EuBIC-MS) is a community of bioinformaticians working in the field of mass spectrometry-based. EuBIC-MS aims to foster communication and collaboration between (computational) mass spectrometry researchers in Europe and beyond. Learn more at eubic-ms.org.
Funded by#
Through EuBIC-MS, ProteoBench is continuously supported by the European Proteomics Association (EuPA). For specific events, such as the ProteoBench hackathon, ProteoBench has received funding from the Danish Data Science Academy (DDSA), the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), and Core For Life.
Supported by#
Get in touch#
Questions or comments? Email us at proteobench@eubic-ms.org.